Monday, June 29, 2009

MASSACRE OF THE INNOCENTS_peace versus the destructive nature of war

For our opinion about the painting MASSACRE OF THE INNOCENTS PAINTED BY PETER PAUL RUBENS,shows the benefits of peace versus the destructive nature of war.
The theme of the "Massacre of the Innocents" has provided artists with opportunities to compose complicated depictions of massed
bodies in violent action.These influences are seen in this painting through the sheer drama and emotive dynamism of the scene, as
well as the rich color. There is also evidence of the use of chiaroscuro.Chiaroscuro is a term in art for a contrast between light
and dark. The term is usually applied to bold contrasts affecting a whole composition,
this is an example of an hand painted oil in a canvass board.The classification of this painting is an example of Renaissance baroque style,style in art
that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur from sculpture,
painting, literature, and music.


  1. ...nice posting. i like the sample artworks you chose for each national artists.

    for the "massacre of the innocents', the group should have answered most of the items in the critique checklist.

  2. ...national artist.... sorry for the "s'
